Word Pyramid

Word Pyramid is a puzzle game where you have to guess the words in a pyramid. Fill in the words, use the hints and complete all the levels. The game develops memory, thinking and logic, and expands vocabulary.

Word Pyramid: Gameplay

On the screen in front of the player is a pyramid of five encrypted words. The first word consists of three letters. Each subsequent one has one more letter. The player's task is to guess the encrypted words in the pyramid using the hints next to them.

The clues are arranged in the same order as the secret words. Read the explanations and write the word in the crossword puzzle. Use the layout on the screen or the keyboard. Enter the word and wait for the system's hints. If you guess the letters, they will be coloured green. Red indicates that the letter is not in the word.


Use the hints if you can't find the answer on your own. You can get them for watching commercials. There are two options for hints.

The game can reveal one letter in each word, and the participant will continue guessing. You can also choose to guess one word if it is difficult to find the answer on your own.

When you have guessed one pyramid, you can move on to the next puzzle. The game allows you to train your memory and thinking and enjoy interesting tasks in your free time.

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